Because some of us forgot to move from the "Stay Single For Life" line to the "Get a Boyfriend" one.

Jan 28, 2006 07:23

Yay! Just finished reloading all my songs off the Lemon Demon CD "Hip to the Javabean"!!! Note to self: Must get "Damn Skippy"...

Anyways... Life is hatin' on my freedom because I woke up at 5 AM. I would have gone and taken a shower but I then I would have woken peoples up and they wouldn't have been happy. Ah... and now I hear people moving around up there. After all, it is about 8 o'clock now. HELL, even my brother is moving!

*sigh* I feel so old. OLD!!! Hey, joannablack! What day is your birthday? I'll send you a card!

Am bouncing around from book to book. Currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Away Laughing on a Fast Camel by Louise Rennison.

Personally, I think every girl needs her very own Dave the Laugh. Someone to talk to, make her laugh, snog, and be absolutely adorable in general. Who needs a Sex God Robbie who goes off to hug marsupials or an Italian Stallion Masimo who is going from girl to girl or a Big Gob Mark who is all nunga-nunga grabbing? I could do without those.

Dave the Laugh sounds like a quite nice guy to have. But that's just me!

I already have a couple nutso cats to be like Angus and Gordy. In fact, Mum says that I should have named Shankzy, Angus. I have a loony little sister like Libby. And a Mutti and Step-Vatti who kiss in front of me. *shudders* I mean, all I really need are some mad next door neighbours and my life will be like Georgias. Oh, and some big basoomas. *snickers*


Hey, wicked_weasley! Are you really going to AnimeBoston? I'M JEALOUS. Apparently, no cons are here in Missouri, or in the St. Louis/St. Charles area. And that makes me sad. TAKE ME WITH YOOOUUU!!

Alright... Just with through my FList and got rid of some people... That's because I either don't remember who the heck you are, or you never update or something... or because I just dun like you! Ha ha. No. Just kidding. I love you all.

DUDE. My mum just made me draw a flame thing to go on Pat's pinewood derby car for Boy Scouts. I was like, "WHAT?! NOOO." But I did. And then they complained because it was too big on the paper. So I had to shrink it down. *sigh* I'm always the one stuck doing the artsy-fartsy stuff. In fact, I basically made the whole outline frame thing for this project Megan had to do. She was supposed to make a kite from another culture. I put on "Mulan" and studied the kites during the celebrations and made a butterfly one... Sometimes I hate the fact that I'm all artsy.

Anyways, back to the FList thing... Because I'm bored, I'm gonna write all my friends names down and then tell you the first thing that comes to mind when I think about you.

actingaloof/starmia: Incredibly talented in the arts area. BATMAN!!!
binsybaby: MILO!! Awesome with a web tablet.
coramegan: AWESOME FICS LIKE WHOA! Is totally awesome with her doctor-y ways!
dravenbellatrix: Shall we be cynical, eh? You rock!
dreaminaway/merrilytookish: HOBBITS! *giggles* Gotta love those hobbit boys.
emma_malfoy: Do you still play the guitar? GHOST!SPIKE!!!
firetrapdragon: You're awesome like whoa, girl! MAD POETRY SKILLS!
firewhiskey/rinoaj: When are you gonna upload some more fic chapters on your yahoo group? I'm so glad you've found a guy who makes you happy.
jazzthejazz: SLYTHERIN ALL THE WAY, BABY! Did you get your package yet???
joannablack: Knitting! Yay for you and your boy!
kmcfma: WALLA WALLA KING! Love in da faise!
mikemc1: I so wish I could come to your gigs!
moosefromabove: Ha ha. You phail. Just kidding. Firefly crazy person.
mustangactor: "Secondhand Lions"! So cannot wait for your movie...
myrabidpetspoon: OMG, GIRL! Where are you?! I demand more "Oh, Bloody Hell"!!
penm: You should take up karate again... And ya know what? You're GORGEOUS!
shadow_dragon24/shin14: Ha ha... I keep thinking about that "Can I smell your hair?" icon!
sierra_sitruc: I love your fics!
silver_lust: Jeeeeeeeeennifeeeer! Where'd you go?!
tinaling: Jobs suck. When are you gonna post more artwork? Ha ha. MINE!
trapezzoid: Are you still selling "Damn Skippy"? Because I so need to buy it!
wicked_weasley: *cough*TOMFANATIC*cough* KEEEEVIIIN ROOOOOSE! Why'd you leave the show?! *emos*
xlupinxloverx: REMUS LUUUUPIN! Here, have some chocolate!

Alright. If you don't see your name up there and you WANT to... just leave a comment saying so.

Ack! I can't feel my fingers! I suppose I should go.

I'm away laughing on a fast camel, yo!

P.S. YAY! Borders had Batgirl: Year One in!! And I have a 25% off coupon!

EDIT: ARGH. I turned on the TV only to see "A Walk to Remember." *sigh* I watched it for a bit only to turn it off because I would have burst into tears and bawled like a big baby. Because that's what that movie will do to you. Whether you like it or not! *sighs again*

EDIT EDIT: GAH! I phail. I just realised I spelled Neil's username wrong... PHAILURE! ARGH! And I spelled Michelle's (whose real name is actually Megan) wrong too!!! DOUBLE PHAILURE!

Another thing... I asked people on my other journal this, but I wanna know y'all's opinions.

Do you believe in love?
And I don't mean like, love for your family or friends or stuff like that. But the love for another person, like intimate love that you share. Cause if someone would have asked me this a year ago, I would have said yes without even thinking. But then I started thinking. And a lot of the families I know are broken ones. So does love really exist? Is it really out there? I'm so lost and confused about this. *sighs* It's rather pathetic really. I mean... I'm only 17 and I'm already questioning if love exists. Aren't I supposed to be doing this when I'm all middle-aged and still single?! This sucks.

books, stuff, friends, batgirl, boys

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