"It's eating me up on the inside and soon there will be nothing left!" - Kain Fuery, FMA

Nov 30, 2005 03:11

This ickle baby's been loving snagged from Kevin aka kmcfma's LJ:

sillymegoat's LJ stalker is penm!penm is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also slowly poisoning you!

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

*stares* Erm... RUN AWAY!!!

*snorts at the following*
My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12 jazzthejazzs a-galloping.11 wicked_weasleys a-winking.10 joannablacks a-commenting.9 actingaloofs a-smiling.8 emma_malfoys a-staring.7 tinalings a-rubbing.6 mustangactors a-yodeling.5 yellow kmcfmas.4 grinding penms.3 Mongolian shin14s.2 iguana dravenbellatrixs.And a coramegan in a blackberry tree.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

Very classy, everyone... Very... classy.

Note to self: I really need to clean up Friends List. There are a LOT of people who don't update anymore and are just there for no reason...
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