This ickle baby's been loving snagged from Kevin aka
kmcfma's LJ:
sillymegoat's LJ stalker is penm!penm is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also slowly poisoning you!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom *stares* Erm... RUN AWAY!!!
*snorts at the following*
My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
jazzthejazzs a-galloping.11
wicked_weasleys a-winking.10
joannablacks a-commenting.9
actingaloofs a-smiling.8
emma_malfoys a-staring.7
tinalings a-rubbing.6
mustangactors a-yodeling.5 yellow
kmcfmas.4 grinding
penms.3 Mongolian
shin14s.2 iguana
dravenbellatrixs.And a
coramegan in a blackberry tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
Very classy, everyone... Very... classy.
Note to self: I really need to clean up Friends List. There are a LOT of people who don't update anymore and are just there for no reason...