Mar 20, 2005 22:40
well...probably the best weekend ever, or at least the best i can remember...went to alisons house after a day of confusment (is that a word) they changed the place like 400 times...
we went to mcdonalds, saw the creepy smiling sweeper lady...saw kevin shove all my fries in his mouth, heard kevin put "mc" in front of everything. Ex. "the creepy smiling sweeper lady Mcstabbed me in the Mcthroat and i blew Mcchunks because i ate too many Mcfries" yes, it was very funny. driving was hard tho because i couldnt see without my contacts and there was a bunch of fog on that creepy small road by cosmos house, and alison was having a couch attack in the back seat because the heat was on full blast.
haha, at alisons house....saw a part of alison ive never seen before, one i never want to see again! and got my pants stuck on a door, and called alison and she blamed it on kevin, haha...but afterall that time flew by, seriously, like 3 hours felt like 5 mins...what a shame, what a shame
#1 is just bad,
#10 makes me sad,
#22 is probably the greatest song ever
and please dont worry about it, i promise you it will all make sense soon, and i promise it will only be good, trust me, please