2012 should rock my penguin socks

Dec 30, 2011 23:27

Okay, honestly saying it, 2011 wasn’t the greatest year of my almost two decades of life. It wouldn’t even feature in my Top Five Years. (If you know me, or get to know me  -now isn’t this a hint BE MY FRIEND, OKAY? I DON’T BITE- you’ll know how MUCH of a lister, I am. I make lists. Ieat lists. I sleep lists)

So I decided to sticky tape a list of all bad things that happened and all good things that happened to my bedroom door and despite the urge to add, “getting about ten thousand pimples” to my bad things and rounding it off to, well, twenty-five, I happily held out the other yellow sheet that read FIFTY good things that happened to me. (Okay. So I added, “getting a box of make-up” to it. I’m shallow like that. D: )

Deciding to liven myself up even more, I made a NEW! (YAY!) list of all good things that I’m looking forward to in 2012.



1. SHERLOCK season 2


I'm more excited about Sherlock than New Year's. In other words, I have no social life and Sherlock's my imaginary boyfriend. :D :D

But, seriously, if there was any show I'd give up my life for, fine, new jeans for, THEN IT WOULD BE THIS SHOW. The chemistry between John and Sherlock? Unbelievable. I am, however, one of the few who actually don't see the sexual tension. It's more, "JOHN, COME BE MY BITCH" for me. Not even kidding. The lines are gorgeous, the shots are perfect and I admit to being biased because it's set in England duh but OMG, LONDON IS OUT OF THE WORLD PRETTTTTTTYYYY. Half my cousins live there and I'm hoping there'd be an invite anytime soon. I'd probably go in search of 221B Baker Street and pose like an idiot in front of the door. So cheesy. BUT SO COOL.

It's incredible how Sherlock blends into modern day world with effortless ease. He uses technology, GOOGLES(!) and treats everyone like dirt. John is the funniest, most understanding character ever. Him trying to deal with Sherlock and his moods is the funniest thing in the world. WHAT MORE WOULD A GIRL WANT?


"... Rudolf? Seriously?"

Jan 5th. Marked on my calender with a bold red marker. (And also, red hearts but we'll ignore that)

I'm really hoping Stefan opens the coffins, pulls out the daggers and becomes buddies with the Original Family. Oh, and boo hoo on Mikael's death. I really liked that fellow. He would have been our ancestor if it hadn't been for the tiny little fact that all his children all turned into vampires. But kinda cool. Imagine. :D

Also, REBEKAH, COME BACK. I hated her first. Because, obviously, she'd mean trouble for Stefan and Elena and then I realised whaat? I am shipping Delena but THE POINT IS, I LOVE HER. My favorite part is when she she forces her way in to the Salvatore house, uninvited and unwanted but she doesn't give a damn. (though they're probably safer not tangling with her). SHE'S BAMF.

Also, Carolineeee! I miss my daily dose of Caroline (I watched the first two seasons in seven days). She's like this goddess of all normal teenagers. In the midst of all the black and grey that VD has going, she's like the fresh breath of pink and blue for me. (and those colours are so pretty, just saying)

AND DAMON/ELENA MOMENTS <3 <3 <3 OMG. Their season three moments couldn't be hotter. Gah. At first, i thought it was just me trying to get them together but then the moments got SO obvious, I went like...you've got to be kidding me but THANKS, SHOW!. Like when he does the "first aid" on her, WHAT WAS THAT?

Okay, I think too much reminiscing about them would end in another marathon which is NOT a bad thing but I plan to study this semester so. D: College. D:

3. New Fashion Trends

:D I totally just put that there so you could squeal (like I am doing at this very moment). But yes, I am definitely looking forward to seeing my five months puppy grow into a happy, healthy dog. Like my old one who bullies me. But yes, I also love him. Only not so much when he bares his teeth and snaps every time I try to take off his winter jacket. :O



Katniss looks VERY different from what I imagined and I'm slightly disappointed. Hopefully, I like Jennifer so. 
HOWEVER, LIAM AS GALE? Totally perfect. It would be awesome of course, if I liked Liam but I don't but you can't have everything. Also, Liam is freaky. I don't like him. D: 
I expected Peeta to be a little more...well, broad shouldered. He's very cute and everything but he also reminds you of your favorite brother. If you're lucky enough to have one, that is. I haven't been so lucky in that department. He's a brat. And that's saying it nicely.

5. Being NICE to my brother

I have to start somewhere. :D I even gave him half my donut today because I was feeling generous. Baby steps.

6. Sophie Kinsella's new book


Okay, so maybe not two words, take some more! I have a few more to share: So I know Kinsella hasn't been churning out the best books since...well, since the Undomestic Goddess. I know even that got a lot of criticism but here's the thing, Chic lit is NOT supposed to be philosophical or discuss important world events. Sometimes, you just need a break and she delivers it better than a day out in the spa. (tried it once. Got seriously freaked out when the woman ordered me to strip. NEVER AGAIN) 
She makes me feel like I'm on a holiday. Happy and like I'm floating on summer air. Therefore, I go back to her books every time I feel like I want to chop off my head.


If you don't know her already, KNOW HER. I swear, her fics will blow you out of your mind. Also, she's an amazing friend who I love and has the best taste in books and tv shows and pendants. Happy New Year and I LOVE YOU, WOMAN!

8. A better attitude towards Life

I spent half of 2011 cribbing about everything. Life took a drastic change because I got into College, left school, left home, LEFT GOOD FOOD and basically, left a life. It wasn't what I expected and it certainly wasn't something I still want but 2012 will hopefully be a blast. If it isn't, I WILL MAKE IT! -willpower!-


...'nuff said. I NEED NEW MATERIAL TO READ. My Harry Potters are about to die a happy life. I'll probably get the new, cool paperbacks but till then, I'm sticking to my old one as of now and loving every inch of them. :D


Just kidding. (though, yes, I am looking forward to the end of a horrible world. Ha.)

Oh, look, my dogs are bidding farewell to 2011 =

Haha, Happy New Year, everyone! May you have a wonderful one! :D



tv shows-nosocialife, livejournal, the vampire diaries rule your diaries, be my sherlock and i'll be your john, lists make me sleep happy, friendship

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