Aug 04, 2005 15:23
I'm always the one yelling at Mom to stop Stop STOP when we get back from some place because of the kittens so she doesn't accidentally hit one to fuck with me. I happen to be the only one who has run over one. Now before I start to get the "you're a horrible person" or "you should be ashamed", let me say it wasn't intentional. Sometimes cats get into motors or on top of the tires where you can't see them and that's what this one did. I was backing out so I could move my car into some shade. I didn't even hear the obvious squished cat sound. All I saw when I was half way into doing what I was supposed to be was the cat running kind of sideways towards the side of the house. I got out immediately to see if it was hurt. It let me pick it up and everything, but when I set it down on its feet it just falls. That's why I think I might have hit, but not so sure. Of course, I feel just horrible for it happening. It was an honest mistake and if you lived here, you would know that. So don't call me a bad person because I would never do any harm to those kittens. I would rather die than see them hurt, so I guess...for now...I'm dead.