Nov 01, 2005 10:04
So good times good times on Halloween.
(do you say "Halloween" or "Holloween"? I actually say the latter. hmm)
Anyway, funtime. Scarytime. I didn't think I would scream so much. I apologize.
So now I'm sitting a la computer listening to the preschoolers downstairs. One says "No way Jose!" and then they all say it. And they think it's funny to change some of the consenants "No Way Ho-Pay!" "No Pay Ho-Tay!" It's cute. And now they're saying "thaaaaat's aaaaaaalllll-riiiiiiiiight...." all together to a tune. Goofy.
I got home last night and the kid next door (Kevin Nickeloff? heard of him? our age, goes to Grant...) was having a huge party, so I had to park my car halfway up my driveway for lack of street space. And they kept me up all night because apparently (I spied) they were (drunk and) jumping off his porch going "woooooooo!!" And it scared me because my window faces his and I drew the curtains and then took my shirt off and they ALL go "WOO!!" but thankfully they could not see me.
Anyway, I'm actually super-looking foreward to rehearsal today. Water? Shall be a blast!! costumes? no good! Good thing we don't wear them today, we get to wear---.... what? What am I going to wear? I have a lot of work out shorts and stuff, but I think it's going to be wrrrd.