Jan 08, 2007 00:07
'Twas the night before the BCS...
'Twas the night before the BCS, when all through UF,
All the Gators were stirring, not able to rest;
The kegs were all tapped by the frats with great care,
In hopes that they'd soon have a reason to cheer;
The students were partying ready to beat the silver and red,
While visions of championships danced in their heads;
The girls in their orange, and the boys in their blue,
All prayed for DeShawn Wynn to be good as new,
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
They sprinted outside to see what was the matter.
Away to the door they flew like a flash,
Saw all the pizza and grabbed for the cash.
The Pizza was good, as hot as could be,
The students were sad that 5 Star brought only three,
Then, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But visions of legends decked out in football gear,
They were all there, the lively the quick,
Contemporary legends, some even making kicks.
More rapid than Harvin, inside they came,
And the students whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now! Leak, now! Harvin, now! Wynn, and Moore!
On! Bubba, on! Baker, on! Siler and Nelson!
To the end of the field! to the endzone we go!
Now dash 50! dash 60! Put on a show!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up over the O-Line Brandon Siler flew,
With his arms around Troy, for a score of two.
And then, in a twinkling, we had back the ball,
And then Urban Meyer made such a great call.
As Leak drew to his left, and was turning around,
Down the field to Harvin, Leak's pass was sound.
He was in the endzone, just barely his foot,
And then through the uprights that ball Hetland put;
He ran to his teammate and jumped on his back,
And he looked happy as a QB that just avoided a sack.
The team how they played! OSU should be wary!
To you Michigan fans, the game you just couldn't carry!
We'll put Ohio away, all with a smile,
While you sit at home and watch all the while;
To Glendale we go with a chip on our shoulder,
To beat the team from where the weather is colder;
Do what you want, you can bitch and whine,
But this is Chris Leak's time to shine;
He is accurate and fast, with a great sense of self,
He'll never diss Tebow, despite what he wants for himself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon tells all the fans that our funk will be shed;
At the championship he'll go right to work,
He'll fill all the stands; and shut up the Michigan jerks,
And laying his hands on the ball,
He'll never ever let the Gators fall;
He sprang to scrimmage line, to his team gave a whistle,
And away down the field they all flew like a missile.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"We're winning the BCS, Gators just hang on tight!"