Ya since no one talks to me anymore at all me coming back online and wasting money on stuff like lpu and shit was worthless. I feel so alone . Yes I have my son and i love him more than anything but he can't talk yet and i can't really say what I wanna say... like the fact im scared shitless that my husband might not come home or he will and he'll be so fucked up our marriage will fall apart and the one thing I didnt wanna happen will happen I'll raise own son on my own. All these people say they are my friends but I havent talk to most of you in weeks or months! Yes its been awhile since I was gone and my life has changed so much and most of you arent married and dont have kids but that doesnt mean Im still not me ive just grown more! Im done with my rant no one cares any way!
Now to a more serious note please click this and read it then decide if you want to help as well.