Dec 23, 2005 11:14
I hate Augusten Burroughs. It is official. I will still go see Running with Sissors the movie but this fact does not mitigate my hate.
There are very few people that I hate. I try to keep that emotion out of my repotoire entirely. However, I am very much not a fan of this man. I can no longer read his books without feeling the intense desire to find him in New York city and beat him with a homeless man's prosthetic arm until he is bleeding and begs me to stop, at which time I will smile and tell him that I'd be happy to stop if only he would stop writing such ubiquitous shit about his god damned life. Does it take an emmense amount of talent to write about one's life, or simply an obscene amount of self-centeredness? I'm putting my money on the latter. It offends my sense of right and wrong that a highschool drop out should not only have a hugely successful advertising career but then become a New York Times bestselling author when really his only talent is drinking and sleeping with lots of guys and thinking that he's hotter than he is. What does society do? We repsond by loving him and his shitty books and buying them and giving him all sorts of money and prestige for being a self centered fag. Yup, good ol' society, always promoting those talentless hacks and then being pissed then they themselves are forced to work as fry cooks in grecian diners because their manuscript "The Life of a June Bug in Three Parts" seemed too avant garde.
David Sedaris....don't think you're exempt from my scorn. Why can't fags have an original thought and write about something other than their fucked up lives? On that same point, why does society keep telling these men that it's okay to be completely self-centered in their writing by making these subpar books into New York Times bestsellers....
Bitter because I still have yet to finish a rough draft of the over ten different novels I've started? Me, bitter, NEVER. That's not part of the new Matt's personality. The new Matt is level headed in all things and never bitter or moody. Mmmhmm.
Christmas is coming.....are you prepared? Perhaps I should ride this wave of motivated aka manic energy and write something. Perahps perhaps perhaps...
PS....You will be mine