Ok, I really should have said this in my first journal, but its ok. I am a HUGE Syracuse fan. They finally won a National Championship on Monday night, and I will never forget anything about it and I will never stop talking about it, either! I cried at the end of the game. If you have been a SU fan for as long as I have, you would understand. They have had 3 chances, all taken away from them. Jim Boheim (SU's coach) had 2 of those chances, so 3rd time was a charm for him.
There is a celebration at the Dome tomorrow night, I wish I could go, but 11 hours is far to drive and I dont think I would make it in time (I'm a good college girl and I go to my classes). But I still love the Orangemen, now and forever!
Syracuse Orangemen NCAA National Champions 2003!!!
(funny cartoon....