Nov 08, 2005 20:16
So, there really isn't much new going on in my life, and no news is good news. We're settling into our house, doing work little by little. O is approaching half a year done already in Second Grade, and I'm working at home. Day in and day out, dealing with the public, and not the best selection I might add (who are intelligent enough to place an order online). But, for a self-proclaimed textbook introvert, I would say that I'm doing a pretty good job of it. The company is great regarding how well I am treated.
I am planning on attending my first ever Sierra Club meeting. I also have been walking kids to school in the morning as part of the "Safe Routes to School" program. O is going to start some dance classes soon, and she'll have visited the Cincinnati Art Museum three times this month! She won a contest a few months ago as part of a silent auction; a $100 Toys R Us gift card for getting the highest bidder!! She's doing very well in school, we're very proud of her. D and I are doing well too, I love him to pieces. No wedding plans yet, but hopefully soon!!
Otherwise, I really don't have much interesting to say. Sad, but true. Life has come to a comfortable standstill for now. I'm not complaining. I'm getting a lot accomplished (we're working on getting out of our debt first, and finding The Tightwad Gazette Series quite inspiring). We had a GREAT summer, went to NY on vacation, went horseback riding, and did lots of fun stuff.
Otherwise, I'll get back to plugging away at the seemingly endless array of chores I have to do. I'll write more when something exciting happens (hopefully exciting in the good sense!)
Oh yeah, and my 10 year high school reunion is right around the corner!! Ack!