What: Backpacking trip!
Where: Shawnee National Forest (5-ish hours from Rachel's house by Yahoo!Maps)
When: Easter weekend (April 6-8, taking Friday off for those of us who don't have it as a holiday), possibly spending Thursday night at Rachel's house for an earlier start on Friday?
Who: I'm assuming Josh, Mary, Ed, Mandy, Rachel, Benj unless I hear otherwise
Why: Cause it'll be fun!
Links: (I think all these sources describe roughly the same trip... though in a variable number of days. What I have in mind would probably be closest to the Sierra Club's trip... though it looks like we can shorten the first day's hike by starting where the Meetup folks did, if we want to or find we need to because of timing.)
http://www.backpackcamp.comhttp://backpackers.meetup.com/4/calendar/5449501/http://illinois.sierraclub.org/prairie/pastflyers/MAM2001.html Food:
Seeing as this will be during Passover, some input from the Jews about food would be helpful. Normally we've done instant oatmeal for breakfast, crackers+cheese+sausage+peanut butter+nutella+fruit for lunch, and then instant pasta for dinner. Presumably we will need to come up with an alternate plan for dinner...
Available to borrow:
- We still have a spare 3-person tent (yeah, I know I said that before).
- There are already two stoves in the group, so we should be all set in that regard.