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May 04, 2006 22:13

So for the last couple of weeks I've had no internet because we moved to Danville and the internet people were suppose to have it hooked up last thursday but messed up so it was this thursday that they got it in but its ok because it gave me time to do other things and realized how much the internet ate up my free time. I'm going to try not to let it take so much time now. I like living in Danville I'm within walking distance of the library and of a lot of my friends. It's really awesome but the whole getting up at 5 am to go to amanda's so I can get to school is getting old fast. I can't wait until Graduation!!!! 13 school days left!! I'm ready though it is kind of sad..... Lets see This week was really bad but today was awesome! I was going to the library and i saw Bri at DQ so I pulled in and picked her up and we went to the library together where she was meeting her group for her one act scene so I got to See Nathan Gillock, Matt Leffler and Elizabeth White too so that was pretty cool. At home I talked to Jaime and Alanna whom I've nto talked to in forever and then I got my internet working after getting my english assignment done so everything is going great!! But I have to get up at 5 in the morning so I'm heading to bed. How are you all doing?? Comment and tell me everything thats been going on because I have not heard from most of you kids in a while!
love ya
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