the message is long, cause baby this is our song...

Apr 06, 2007 22:04

good friday. wow. i did absolutely nothing today. i couldnt stay awake, i woke up to have breakfast and just napped on and off all day. but i just got back from church with my dad. it was more then 2 hours! oh mannn!!
now my brothers friends are here playing poker so i cant even watch a movie cause the apartment is so little that its too loud to do anyyything! excpet of course just sit on the computer.
i gave blood for the first time!! woo hoo! im proud. usually im terrified of needles. my friend laura full out fainted, total loss of conciousness and everything. she was pretty amused by it though when she came to she was laughing uncontrolably for like 5 minutes.
two fo my really good friends have been in mexico all week and come home tonight. im so jealous! i wish i was going somewhere for my spring break. originally everyone was staying home for break but most of my friends got last minute tickets to places =( im gonna be so lonely. lame.
i think im gonna go to providence next weekend with eliza and bob. yesss! so excited!
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