(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 15:07

i know u dont love me.. but do it anyway

Full Name: amerie lynn
Birthday: july 4th 1987
Location: Tucson, Arizona
School/Mascot/Colors: i donno...
Homeroom Teacher: i am crammed in one room
Homeroom Number: ONE ROOM!
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Shoe Size: uhhhhmmmmm 6 in guys.... 8 in female?
Height: 5'2
Pets: yes
Siblings: brother
Eye color: honey/caca brown
Hair color: im not even shore right now.. black and pink right now
Grade: senior
Hobbies: u know my hobbie bitch! sniff
Nicknames: amerie..rie..rierie..riley...rie lynn...smew..etc
What languages do you speak? english....i speak white.
Do you play sports? used to play softball
Where were you born? phoenix az
Are you a night or a morning person? Night
Are you ticklish? yessss...extremely

!Getting Personal!

What do you want to be when you grow up? actress

What was the worst day of your life? when my mom...nvm

What is your most embarrassing story? my life.

What comes first in your life? friends...food... superiffik things

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? kinda..well yeh

What are you most scared of? big dogs and um.. od

If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? on my but?

What do you usually think about before you go to bed? tbs...the used..the blood brothers..bcuz they r on my radio

Movie:gia, american history x,50 first dates
Song: i dont have just one... but if i had to choose.... the delays-nearer than heaven
Band/Group/Singer: tbs the used senses fail
Store: wherever peircing rings r
Relative: lil bro
Sport: softball
Vacation Spot: cali
Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
Fruit: applessss and watermelon
Candy: reeses peices
Car: whatever has air conditioning and drives
Class: theyre not too bad
Holiday: halloween
Day of the Week: Friday
Color: pink
Magazine: cosmotolitan(i spelled it wrong)
Name for a Girl: april....starr...destiny...january...
Name for a Boy: conor..tyler...anthony..julian..

^In the Past 24 Hours have You^
Had a serious talk? yes
Hugged someone? yes... mostly julian
Fought with a friend? .........................YES DAMNIT!my best frined
Laughed? forcefully...
Made someone laugh? Yeah
Bought something? ciggarettes thx shay!
Cut your hair? not yet
Felt stupid? oh of course......thx vince...
Missed someone? uh huh...

?Have you Ever?
Done drugs? hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Eaten an entire box of oreos?yes
Been dumped? yes
Had someone be unfaithful to you? Yes..damnit.. o well
Hiked a mountain? yea
Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? not unless im introuble
Seen the White house? oh yeah every damned day..........no.
Seen the Eiffel tower? does tx count?
Tried smoking? duh! i bought i effin pack of ciggies today
Drank alcohol? hell yeah.. mmmm....
Smoked marijuana? yesum
Played monopoly? Yeah
Seen Titanic? OWN....dvd also
Kissed someone? duh....
French kissed someone? yay..thats fun
Lost your virginity? unfortianitlly
Jumped on a trampoline? no effin duh!
Visited another country? haha yeah..shore...
Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? always......
Been in a car accident? yes
Ridden an elephant? no fair! i wanna!
Made a web page? yes
Played with Barbies? still do.. haha
Stayed up all night? yesss.... only bcuz drungs do that haha jk
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Who hasn't???
Broken a bone? yea
Called a physchic or sex hotline? when i was drunk and it was 5 gurls staying the night at my house.. fun times
Watched Jerry Springer? hell yeah i <3 steve! haha
Gotten in trouble for talking in class? omg.. what a stoopid ?
Been afraid of the dark? i <3 dark...
Been in the hospital(not visiting)? yea
Had stitches? yes
Dumped someone and regretted it? well........ no.
Went out with more than one person at a time? in the past... im too happy now.....
Lied? yea
Been arrested? no
Fallen asleep in class? Yeah... duh... anyone who goes to my school sleeps...
Used food for something other than to eat? what? is that kinky?
Broken the law? yesss..everyday
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? i cried me a fucking river
Hated yourself? Yeah..always
Been brokenhearted? yes.....
broken someone's heart? ha.....

~Do You~
Like to give hugs? to special people
Like to walk in the rain? i love everything about rain.. even smoking
Sleep with or without clothes on? depends...
Prefer black or blue pens? blue
Dress up on Halloween? every year...
Have a job? sure do
Like to travel? hell yea
Like someone?, Do they know? yea.. and yes.. im dating him
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? curled up in a ball
Want to marry? i really don't know!
Have a goldfish? no.. he died.. i got hungry... im jk thats mean
Ever have the falling dream? yess i love that dream.
Have stuffed animals? yes
Go on vacation? whenever i cannn.

sigh......... i think ill watch a movie then sleep the pain away for one more day.....
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