LJ Interests meme results
- chapstick:
I'm so very addicted to chapstick..if I lose it even for an hour..I cannot move past it. - columbia college:
my school! - friends:
the show (GREAT show!) and my people..love them. - india arie:
she's amazing! she writes what I want to say.. - john cusack:
only one of our greatest actors! (and one of my boyfriends) - lance bass:
that adorable (gay) *nsyncer we've all grown to love.. - mike brown:
he's hot! and he's one of the best defensive players the chicago bears have seen (well at least the best SAFETY in the NFL) - partying:
no comment..(heehee..i've been doing a little too much of that lately) - stars:
I love the sky at night and I can be kind of a hollywood obsessed girl (gotta love In Touch and US Weekly) - the sopranos:
I love this show..the sopranos and six feet under are all the tv I need..when the hell is the new season starting???
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