Oct 20, 2005 23:25
So that last entry was a little dramatic. But hey, thats me.
I'm frustrated up here. It's hard for me when I am not busy. I don't know how to deal with time. So I sit and think WAY to much. I over anaylze every particle of my life which you know... isn't really healthy. Thus guitar. I can't really work up here so the guitar is my "job." I have to practice for an hour every day... which you know... I am on hour 3 for today. So perhaps it will keep me thinking clearly.
It's also not good for me to not be busy at this moment in my life. To much emotional baggage. I have spent so much of my life trying to be so mature that I don't know how to act when confronted with "teenage" emotion. I also have never really been dumped before... and never in so terrible a way... so its ummm pretty tough. But so it is.
In other news: I have to write a paper on a director. I want to do Wes Anderson but there is nothing scholaraly written about him... not even a biography. So here are my other thoughts: Mike Nichols, Mel Brooks, Alfonso Curaon or Stanley Kubrik, the Coen Brothers, Frank Capra,George Cuckor, Billy Wilder,David Lynch.... Who should I write the 6 page paper on??
(P.S. I am purposley excluding DW Griffith, Hitchcock,Akira Kurosawa, Spike Lee, Woody Allen and Tim Burton because everyone is going to do one of those three)