Feb 05, 2006 22:28
SO... lets recap the weekend. Friday went to the dog park with Jeff and Rocco and Kubo. Came back and cuddled while watching Double Jeopardy and talking and talking.
Saturday. Went to work. Work was alright. It was kind of short handed, but nothing to strenuous. Jeremy called right when we closed. Invited me to lunch. That was really sweet. lol I forgot to call him back though. Not so sweet on my account. Got home and took a nap. Talked to Jeff a little before he went to work. Then he came over around 11. We ended up watching Notting Hill and cuddling. He is so good with Rocco too. It really makes me smile.
Sunday - went to breakfast with Jeff. went to the mall and hung out at the disney store. lol he says he is into disney...lol its even one of his sn's but I still think my level of disney craziness kind of freaks him out. They have a little toy cell phone and it is SOOO freaking cute. lol. anyway. I like Jeff a lot. he's very attractive to me. Not only his physical looks, but im absolutely loving his personality. He has given me basically all of his past flaws, and nothing is too crazy. OH well. sigh. im gonna go to sleep even though im not really tired right now.here's to hoping jeff might be my valentine :)