-saw russ for a whole 30seconds today :)
-wrapped presents with my brother till our fingers bled.
-him and i were beating eachother with the wrapping paper rolls.
-some last minute shopping.
-its christmas eve....
-soon to be christmas day!
-tomorrow consists of getting woken up at 6 am by my little sister telling me "SANTA CAME HE CAME HE ATE THE COOKIES AND THERE ARE PRESENTS COME LOOK! ::steals my covers::" then i lay there in my bed FREEZING until i fall for the trick and go out by the tree to get my blankets. damnit THEN...i open presents from santa, mom&dad, peter and carolyn. go to my aunts house for breakfast&presents then to my mom's brother's house for dinner&presents.
-i found my MCS cd FINALLY!
-i need to consult jackie about someting DRASTIC. jackster if your out there...HOLLAAAAAAAAAAA
-i'm ichy.
-ok time for some fun. i hope everyone gets whatever gift their heart desired and i hope they have a fun filled day 2morrow.
...... you-nique ......
1. nervous habits? my legs bounce, my foot shakes, i crack my knuckles and play with my hair.
2. are you double jointed? not to my knowledge.
3. can you roll your tongue? o yea
4. can you raise one eyebrow at a time? yes
5. can you blow spit bubbles? no
6. can you cross your eyes? yea
7. tattoos? none yet.
8. piercings? again none yet.
9. do you make your bed daily? lmao yea right.
...... who was the last ......
1. you spent the night with? paola.
2. you shared a drink with? a soda with paola
3. you went to the movies with? russeLL, tay, paola.
4. you went to the mall with? my mommy
5. yelled at you? umm..russ?
6. sent you an email? my little 'sis' katie.
7. you kissed? russeLL
...... clothes ......
1. which shoe goes on first? right..
2. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? rarely.
3. on the average, how much money do you carry? maybe...$5 at most.
4. what jewelry do you wear? the hobit ring around my neck, the hemp ones i make aboove that, braclet miranda made me and my pink duct tape braclet...and much more.
5. favorite piece of clothing? ummm...i'd have to say my blk TBS hoodie.
...... food ......
1. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
2. have you ever eaten spam? yea...i put it in my sushi.
3. favorite ice cream flavor? cookie dough or vanilla.
4. how many cereals in your cabinet? 3-4
5. what's your favorite beverage? water or twisters juice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
6. what's your favorite restaurant? umm...fudruckers and portillos.
7. do you cook? i try to.
...... grooming ......
1. how often do you brush your teeth? 2 times a day.
2. hair drying method? blow dryer?
3. have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? nu uh.
...... manners ......
1. do you swear? fuck no...i mean...yes
2. do you ever spit? not usually...
...... what's your favorite ......
1. animal? chinchilla
2. food? watermelon.
3. month? iduno? feb?
4. day? NA
5. cartoon? umm...i'm a fan of kim possible...damnit i'm lame.
6. shoe brand? umm...vans? iduno i buy what i like.
7. color? pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. sport? to play...volleyball to watch hockey.
9. tv show? the oc...or nanny 911
10. thing to do in the spring? pick flowers?
11. thing to do in the summer? eat ice.
12. thing to do in the fall? mess up my dad's pile of leaves
13. thing to do in the winter? try not to freeze...yet i ike to play int he snow...go figure
...... in and around ......
1. the CD player? MCS
2. person you talk most on the phone with? well i call russ a lot.
3. ever taken a cab? nu uh
4. do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? mhm. habbit.
5. what color are your bedroom walls? white and baby blue
6. do you use an alarm clock? yea
7. window seat or aisle? aisle
....... lala land ......
1. what's your sleeping position? i sleep on my side
2. even in hot weather do you use a blanket? u know it.
3. do you snore? sometimes...
4. do you sleepwalk? i don't think so
5. do you talk in your sleep? i've been told i do
6. do you sleep with stuffed animals? mhm
7. how about with the light on? no way.
8. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on? ya
9. last interesting person you met? ummm...andy
...... random ......
1. weirdest place you've ever puked? on a person?
2. craziest place you've ever had sex? LMAO ooooooo thats rich.
3. grossest thing you've ever seen: ::shrugs::
4. most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? ::shrugS:: my asian aunts make me eat a lot of wierd asian shit.
5. what's that smell? cookies....mmmmmmmm
...... have you everrrr .......
1. said i love you and meant it: yea...but not outloud in a while.i think it.
2. gotten in a fight with your pet: yea...my fish wouldn't eat?....ok i dont have pets.
3. been to ny: no
4. florida: yea
5. california: nope
6. hawaii: nope
7. canada: YEP.
8. danced naked: hahahaha maybe...int he shower?
9. dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no well sorta
10. wished you were the opposite sex? yesss.
11. had an imaginary friend: i think so?
12. fought with your parents: o yea
.....personal thangs ......
1. things you like in a girl: funny, insane, nice boobies...imean lol nice, fun to be with.
2. what book are you reading now: NA
3. worst feeling in the world: being saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to the extreme.
4. what is the first thing you think when you wake up: mmmmmmmmmmmmm more sleep please
5. future daughter's name: someting japanes and pretty...
6. future son's name: ummm...someting hardcore? oiduno
7. what's under your bed: journals and slippers.
8. favorite sport to watch: hockey
9. current age: 17
10. current grade: senior
11. siblings: two brother and sister
12. location: DG
13. girlfriend/boyfriend: russeLL
...... favorites (again) ......
1. room in house: mine i guess...
2. type(s) of music: meh....iduno i like diff types.
3. perfume: my vanilla stuff...boy perfume though m Axe
4. gemstone: ::shrugs::iduno
...... have you in the last 48 hours ......
1. cried: no
2. bought something: presents.
3. said "i love you": thought it..
4. met someone new: yea andy
5. talked to someone: yea
6. missed someone: o yea
7. hugged someone: o yea
8. kissed someone: OH YEAH!