Mar 01, 2006 23:49
so i definately can't sleep but...
im tired. but im basically tired of everyone around here. 1 more year ash. one more year. thats all i have to keep thinking. and this hell im living in will be ovver <333333
march break should be interesting. hopefully some goodtimes in the making. i love it how people are too busy to talk to me now. it seems as though everyone has someone and poor little ashleigh has no one. like always.
skating. i need to go skating. maybe just by myself. i need to think alot about some stuff. and skating always gives me sometime to think. iiiii.. really need some new friends. im getting pretty tired of the ones i have now. i just have no time for the bullshit anymore. which is pretty sad when i think about it. especially since i've always been there for everyone. and now it just seems i don't even wanna listen anymore. GAH. maybe im just cranky. who knows.
so english sucks. and so does design. and those were the two classes i thought i would like. turns out that i have shitty teachers in both. lol.
but some people are in english that i like. and i always have shawn and turtle in design. they're pretty funny
im gunna go try and get some sleep. i have to go to school tomorrow. unfortunately. haha
Ash <3