(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 02:00

I know; another public post is weird. It seems the pattern emerging is that they're all rather feminist of me--depending on your definition. Allow me to leave you a quote to sum up my current working definition of feminism.

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." ~ Rebecca West.

If you haven't read the only other public post, I suggest that you do since this is along the same lines. I went looking for the above quote and found a blog about comics run by a couple feminists.
Point is, I followed some rabbit holes and have a couple links for those interested.
DC comics made a collectible statue. How Mary Jane washes the Spidey suit...barefoot, in pearls, with her tits, her thong, and oh! part of her ass hanging out. You may have to skim through a few "ETA"s but it's definitely worth a look.
Tired of the same-old same-old arguments when you bring up the misogamy and sexism in comic books (can be applied to other areas)?Then the BINGO CARD is just for you! Link also contains the usual response to each of the bingo card's spaces--just in case ya don't know them.
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