Nov 18, 2005 21:44
another pitiful update from the upper east side..
this is so not a city to go exploring by yourself. i really wanted to go to china town earlier today when i got a breif 2 hour break to take a walk around outside.. the people i'm with are native new yorkers so they tried to explain what subway to take and where it was blah blah blah.
totally paid 2 dollars for a subway card and sat at the terminal .. confused as shit .. as the same trains kept coming by. plus everyone was kinda creepy...which would be okay except i didn't have anyone there with me that i could make fun of the creepy people with. so i exited the subway station and thought it would be best just to walk down lexington ave and see what the financial district had to offer. china town was probably ghetto anyways.
found claires. the gap. express. h & m. same stores we have back at home..that i never shop at..but for some reason they intrigued me. it was probably all the lights and christmas music. snagged some cute earrings from claires and a few tops from h & m. probably shouldn't be spending money but meh. i have to do something to keep me sane.
2 days and i can go back to va...where there is peace and quiet. i will no longer complain about the trash truck waking me up at 7am 2 days a week. that is nothing compared to the constant honking and dumping and obsenitys i can hear all the way up on the 21st floor at 3am. i wish this city would sleep so i could.