More Jabberjack stuff.
Jack looked at the mug of tea, then back to the honey and then back to the tea. He almost didn’t hear her sneaking up on him, and jumped when the tauren spoke softy.
“Jabbers, I actually went out today.” She was happy, and quiet. He turned to look at her with a smile the tea forgotten for the moment. Chik stood there, hair loose from her braids and a smile on her face.
“I heard from Rano. He seemed to be very excited about your journals when I told him about them.” her eyes sparkled as he ears perked up.
“Oh he did? That’s lovely.” She leaned over to pat War Hound, her large Runedog, with a smile. The animal grinned as it made an odd woo woo noise. “And yes, you can use the honey. I know you like your sweet things.” Jack nodded respectfully to her, before adding a few dollops of honey to the mug.
“Thanks, Mother.” He tasted the tea and corked the jar of honey.
“I’m glad you’re at least trying to sleep more Jabbs.” She watched him sip the tea, his eyes closed. He nodded slowly savoring the tea.
“Mother, would you have the animals be watchful for demons? I’m a little on edge.” Jack looked up at her looking dog tired. Chik nodded thought fully, a quick hand signal from her and War Hound started to patrol.
“I understand. I can tell Cuddles to guard you if you wish.” He nodded to her before finishing the mug. Chik called out softly in Taurahe and the giant Lizard scuttled into the room. Jack grinned at the beast and back to Chik.
“Thanks Mam.” He headed to his room, ducking underneath her arm as she tried to grab him in a bear hug. She managed to wrap an arm around his neck before rubbing her knuckles into his hair.
“Night Jabbs,” She said as he laughed and squirmed out of her grasp.
“Night Mother.” He headed to his room as the voice in his head started up. She’s too good to you elf.
“Don’t I know it. And you are going to get us both into deep shit. What the hell was that with speaking through me?” Jack let Cuddles into his room, before starting to change into sleeping clothes. He set an IMP to watch us! An actual IMP. Demons! I told you! I told you he would start this. You’re going to end up his pet. Do you secretly want that? Do you Jax?
“I am not, so you can stop that.” He whispered quietly to himself. He kicked off his boots and set the libram on the bed. It felt like it was glaring at him. “do you really want a warlock being so very curious about how I, an ex-pirate blood elf who is not the brightest candle in the candelabra, knows draenic or certain…. Demon influenced events?” He wrapped his blanket around himself, stifling yawns as he climbed into his hammock. No… damnnit elf, I can’t sit by idly as a thrice damned warlock talks about watching us with demons. He may say he’s not out to hurt us, but I sure as hell wouldn’t trust him with a child. And what the fel was that with you asking him about mana siphoning?
“I’m curious… And if I am totally drained would I find it easier to sleep?” Cuddles hissed as it scratched at his discarded clothes. He smiled to himself as the lizard settled down. Jax, that is a very bad idea.
“All my ideas are usually bad ones.”He mumbled, drowsiness starting to overtake him as he held onto the libram. No, Jax that’s a very bad idea. It’s only a small step away from letting him drain other things from you.
“The worst that could happen is that it doesn’t work, and I go back to looking at other alternatives to dreamless sleep.” Jack stuck a foot out and started to rock himself to sleep as the voice in his head fretted. Damnnit Jax. I hate you. Jack smiled as he blew out the light and covered himself with the blanket.
So yes, Chiaxie had decided to talk through Jack and he's there going "DAMN. IT."