(no subject)

Jun 21, 2004 00:37

yes, because im stupid and don't know what "soft core" means on a URL. stop acting gHey.

aww, i got to see my mary elisabeth today! i was so happy! but first...step by step events of tiff*tiff's day...first, woke up. my dogs are gone. somebody must have stolen them..because the big dog was on her chain and the puppy was in his kennel at 12:00 last night, yet at 7:30 this morning, they were gone. and they've been gone all day. and destiny's a pitbull..so she'd be a wanted dog..and the puppy's a beagle, and he's sooo pretty...so he'd be a wanted dog, too. i think they're gonna check the pound and whatnot, but i really think that they were taken. they couldnt have ran away. the puppy couldnt get out of the kennel. im just scared that someone stole them..and just wanted destiny for fighting or whatever...being a pitbull. wow..that really upsets me. im fabout to cry just thinking about it. she's a naturally nice dog..she's not going to act like a fighting dog straight off...if ever...they'd have to like, beat her. god, this is really upsetting. i dont think theres anyway its possible..but im just going to pray tonight that they just ran away or something and they're at the pound now..

im just crazy. i thought i heard a dog bark. went outside. but im stupid.

so anywho, my period decided to drop by on friday night...so now i have period stain on my damn $60 bathing suit. grrr. woke up around 10 this morning, was told about the dogs, sat outside with my mom for a bit...my family came up...and over...from south carolina and illinois, by the way. if i hadnt already said so. i just spilled rootbeer on me. "in the drawer...right next to your loin cloth." took a shower...got pretty..or as pretty as ugly can get...bleh...then was jsut here, waited for the family to get here and proceeded to eat crabs when they all did. yum yum. then robbie came. and it upset me. so i just came inside and tried not to cry. failed. went in my room and bawled. called mary to see how long it would take for her to get here. they were too long. i hated being here. i hated him being here. i wanted him to leave. just go away. dont even look at me. and i fell bad...cuz i told my mom and she asked if i had told my dad, and i said no. but i couldnt tell him. no matter how robbie makes ME feel, he's still my dad's son. i dont want to say that he has as much of a right to be here as anyone...but i mean, in a way. whatever..im sure my mom'll talk to my dad about it. not like it matters. robbie never comes by anyways. you know, cuz he's a bad son. anywho, mary came, and her mom backed into our tree. that was there my "whole fucking life." lmao. man that was funny...Mrs. Sue:"Tiffany, how long has that tree been there???" (in a joking manner, of course) Mr. Pete:"Her whole fucking LIFE." too hott. oh god, and THEN, mrs. Sue:"Well, at least it wasnt another car." Mr. Pete:"Well thank GOD for miracles!" TOO hott. i think i cracked a rib laughing that so hard. little hard. so then, went to Indian Landing...hung out at the pool...saw melissa! I LOVE HER! saw cute guys. the one's basketball like, rolled over and hit my back, sort of..cute guy apologized, then i realized he was cute....didnt want him to go away. haha. i think i just said, "it's alright," but i think, even to me, it sounded flirtatious. lol. whatever. went for a few walks...sat by the water...showed mary where i almost drowned with mack, ross, and courtney last year...i think i get freaked out by open water. hmm...all in all...awesome day with my mary elisabeth. other than scratching my glasses on the concrete at the pool. that sucked hard core. but i'll get em fixed. soooo...william's stupid. came home, ate more crabs...talked to my daddy...talked to my mommy later...my mom said how "its funny that after all these years, its just now starting to really sink in and bother you, isnt it..." i agree. i miss my puppies. my babies..i love them. wow, im tired. i type too much. im sure its not all too interesting; its great how i started this like..an hour and a half ago and im just NOW finishing. lol. silly andrew and kara all distracting me. but i love them. its worth the distraction. im gonna go to bed now..i's vewy sleepy. *said in little kid voice* its great how i almost said, "said in little kid ACCENT." nice. i lvoe you.
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