Jun 12, 2005 03:37
so, i must admit that tonight was fun. it started out by going watch the catfish festival pageant. i went see amaNda win. yes, cause i knew she was goin' to win. so, she is our 'o5 catfish festival teen queen. woooO! ;) .. twas fun. had to go backstage & help her a couple of times. i was her little assistant. :P the guys were her biggest fans; jimmy, drew, derek, banks, && mike. :) .. they're awesome fans. after the pageant we went to the dempster's so that our little queen can go change, i had to make her change. haa, she wanted to go out to eat in soffies n tank top, ummm, doesn't work for me. :) & after the guys cheered for her for about two hours & after she had me running back & forth to the dressing room, i thought we deserved some say so. :-D eeek! after she changed, we went eat at chilis. that was yummy! i wanted this awesome dessert, but NOOOO, they had already closed down the kitchen, assholes. >:O whateverrrrr :P .. we dropped off kristen & demp cause they rode with us. then baby & i came to my house. he fell asleep on me a couple of times. punkkkkk! ;) we were kinda watchin' anchorman, didn't finish it though cause he was too tired & has to wake up early. so, he left & i was left hereee. :P i'm a bit tired so i think i'll be heading to bed. O:) .. goodnight. --i love you.