Aug 05, 2007 13:54
8:39 AM 7/29/07 · My longstanding issues with televangelists notwithstanding, if you're unaware it's only cuz I posted that particular rant 2 places, I've been finding an odd desire to watch them more often. Well, Sundays anyways...which is really more often considering I watched them previously maybe once every 3 years. Mostly Ed Young, who I've really only watched twice so far...
...the 1st time being Ed Young; hence the rant.
Would it really be wrong to mow these guys down with a machine gun? I'm not a violent person, so odds are pretty good it would be a Nerf machine gun. No one has ever been harmed by being hit multiple times by numerous minature Nerf projectiles! Just anything to get that stupified expression they all seem to have. It's like they went to lil' televangelist school and they had their mouths pinned into grotesque smilies for hours at a time.
There may be some wisdom to that childhood belief if you keep your face twisted like that for so long it will stay that way!
My present gripe is something that was said this morning. Had to do with principles which made a sort of sense with the first two. The first two were being with the right people and hanging in the right places (Ed Young is pretty damned persuasive to teenagers) but the last once got me to thinking.
See, these 3 things are all things God intends you to do. However, I don't specifically remember that God ever mentioned Church. Or, better to say, I don't remember Church being mentioned, specifically by that word, in the Bible. Many a reference for "The House of God" but not Church.
Yeah, I get that "The House of God" is most likely referring to Church...
...on the other hand, I could open a coffee shop and name it the House of God and people might show up there in droves.
Maybe I should open a coffee shop.
With the exception of my getting into the caffeine biz...does the Bible specifically say "Church" anywhere between the beginning and the end? I am not counting the title page or the contents or the copyright info...just the actual bulk of the book. From the beginning of the story to the end of it; end in that sense that the story may be ongoing but the book only goes so far.
ed young,
the bible,
coffee house,
house of god,
nerf weapons of mass destruction,
god's principles