god isn't after your checkbook · it be ranting time

Jun 27, 2007 10:16

4:17 AM 4/24/07 · I don't think there's a specific commandment relating to Thou shalt not be a greedy bastard or anything along those lines. Then again, maybe there once was and Church officials had it ommitted from anything official where people might see it.

Far be it from them to allow a leak in their coffers (not sure on the spelling there).

I vaguely recall something about poverty being a good thing...said somewhere by a priest of some distinction. Although I may've gotten that from a movie. All I do know is that it often seems that Churches and the Christian faith in general has this interesting tendency of raising loads upon loads of monies through numerous means; they've got a real knack for it. This should be a good thing but it seems that rather than putting those funds to the benefit of their congregations and the surronding neighborhoods...all that's happening is that churches are getting just that much prettier.

Which isn't to say the Church doesn't help the actual needy but it seems they do that less than make themselves look better. I've been through a lot of churches, got really curious to check out varying types than the one I grew up in, and they all look like you could almost pass their insides for some of the gaudier places in Las Vegas.

This is kinda related to the Christian's Children Fund, commercial was on a few minutes ago, and I swear that the advertising and that guy they have as their spokesperson hasn't changed since I could barely walk but worked out how to turn on the television as a determined and rapid crawler.

I suppose I could see it if the funds collected were put into God's works (humans) and not the architecture (churches) of God's work...instead of them just lining their own pockets. I mean, really, have you ever seen a dusty bishop? The Pope wears the finest clothes, fashion styles notwithstanding, and that whole (not just the Pope) kiss the ring thing...have you ever seen the rings? You'd be hard pressed to find something so big & shiny at the Diamond Center!

Maybe I got it wrong. Haven't so much as picked up a Bible in a decade and change. Greed could be overrated as a sin. Which number was it again? Mayhaps the 7 Deadly Sins is a sliding scale and they're not all equally bad. What's life without a little sin?

fund raising, church, pride goeth before the fall, greedy

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