On Thursday, there will be a funeral for a 9 year old girl killed in the attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The villainous Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church minions are planning on protesting that funeral to further promote their claims that God is punishing the U.S. for being tolerant of homosexuals. Then the Arizona Legislature of Justice jumped into action, with an emergency bill scheduled to cut them off at the pass. That's right, bitches. Protesting funerals in Arizona will be illegal. This is a wonderful day. This is a CHILD'S FUNERAL, for cryin' out loud!
But wait, there's more! Should the bill not succeed, justice will not back down. A group of citizens has vowed to stand in front of the Westboro Baptist Church members wearing huge angel wings to block the view of the unsightly mob. These people should be commended highly, and more people added to their ranks. They're shown in the video.
Full story and video here: