Jun 16, 2007 22:12
ANNA S: Ok, your total is $5.99 today please.
HYVEE CUSTOMER: ...I'm pretty sure that wasn't the price of those mushrooms. No, no that couldn't have been the price of those mushrooms.
ANNA S: I can call the produce department and ask. (Over Intercom) Produce dial 110 please, produce 110.
MEGAN W. (she works in produce now): (on the phone) What's up?
ANNAS: I need a price check on the 6 oz. sliced mushrooms. How much are they.
MEGAN W: I don't know.
ANNA S: ...what?
MEGAN W: I don't know how much they are. I don't know how much anything is. I don't know anything about produce. I have no idea what I'm doing. I have now idea how much anything is or what I'm supposed to do! I hate working in produce, the freezer smells horrible, there are boxes here that weigh millions of pounds and I HAVE A LIST OF THINGS TO DO THAT GOES ON FORFUCKINGEVER! FUCK! *CLICK*
ANNA S: How does $1.99 sound?
Before you go to bed tonight, remember who carries all of those bananas out for you, and wish Megan a happy Sunday. What a trooper.