Aug 25, 2004 20:21
hey guyssssss!
lol i kan tell this yrs gonna be good.,. i dunno i mean so far everythin is goin mii way.,., except tha stupid lockers but thats ok jackies letting mii share hers =]. omg im so glad elliott didnt leave this yr. it wud have sukked with out him! who wud make mii laff at sko0l? who wud harass mii on tha bus? whooooo!? lol. hehe. wellllll.,.,.,. yea maybe other ppl but it wudnt be tha same! lol.
ive rilly been tinkin about it a lot lately and im movin to israel on june 2nd.
today mii n oren went to petsmart to get mii a fish.,. i wanted a beta. they didnt have any left. so i aksed them where i kud find them.,., now i was tinkin they wud have told mii to go to another pet store or w/e.,.,., no0o0o,.,.,. they said WALMART!. lol mii n oren were lyk wtf lol. we knew walmart had everything.,., but we dint kno they had fish.,., walmart rilly does have everyyything. its a great place =]. lol. especially to play kik ball at right oren!? lol hehe
well i love shookey! hes mii fishy.,., hes a blue n red beta fish.,., hes so sexiifuliciouz omgsh! he has a spongebob tank n stuff. i wanted a fish kuz i needed sumtin to sorta take mii mind off things ya kno?n plus shookey is fun n sexy.,,. n i jus wanted him k? lol.
as for HIM.,..,,.,. i dun need him anymore. hes so dum. i kno its sorta mii fault.,. but wat kan i say? i jus wanna be frenz.,.n if sumwun stops kawlin u n kummin to c u kuz u tell them that then fuk them rite?yayaaa! lol.
i hate that tho.,., i kan be so into a guy n once he tells mii hes into mii its lyk i dun want him anymore.,.,
omg.,. i kant wait for susie to have that baby already! omgshhh! lol.
anyway.,., im gettin off kuz.,., kuz i wanna wake up early.