Aug 24, 2010 14:00
A day and a half till college and I feel like shit. I'm not nervous about it; in fact, I'm terribly excited. It's just my stomach. It's gone wack over the past three days. Sunday I puked, Monday I didn't feel like eating anything, and today I've got a terrible ache in it to the point where I can hardly stand up straight. Besides, the thought of food makes me sick. Especially peanut butter. Which is weird considering I've had an unhealthy obsession with peanut butter for the last like three weeks. I hate, hate, hate the way your body'll crave something intensely for a few weeks, and within the next you'll be so completely disgusted by it. URGHH. MRRAGHH. Stupid stomach, I hate you. Clearly I'm not lactose intolerant either because though I've been off milk for several weeks now I'm still having stomach issues. FML. I swear, this has been going on since 10th grade and I have yet to actually fix the problem. ... either that or I really effed up my stomach last year for my freshmen year in college. I ate like complete shit which was the polar opposite of the super-healthy way I was eating the year previous. I suppose my body just can't bounce back and forth so much anymore. aka: I really need to find a happy medium super fast so I'm not stuck curled up in pain on my bed - or floor since my bed is covered by half-packed clothes for college. WTF. I even took an ant-acid a little while ago with no improvement on the horrible condition of my belly. Eff that.
On a brighter side-note, I'm excited for college. I've just looked at the coursework for two of the most difficult classes I'm taking this fall and for one of them my professor posted chapter outlines for all the material! I dislike her a little bit less now, haha. Packing is still on the checklist, quite unfortunately. It's a bear to pack up one's life in a couple boxes! Meh, hopefully I'll be feeling less shitty within the hour so I can head out and pick up the rest of the necessities for school and deposit a hefty-load of cash from my birthday :) wooo, nineteen!
*happysigh* I can't wait to be able to walk everywhere, do anything, and not feel so restless anymore! That's all I felt at home because of my lack of job (unfortunately). Next summer I have plans to keep myself busy, but this summer flew by quite quickly as well though my lack of plans. (I hung out primarily with one high school friend, visited a friend from school in her hometown, and hung out with my future roommate a few times over the summer ... that was about it). Next summer I'll have two jobs, a summer class, and possibly a one-day volunteer internship (?) which will be awesome. I feel like my brain's half-dead and all my knowledge has seeped out of me from months of disuse. AH! I should review some stuff for organic and cell&molec. Ahah. Maybe I'll do that now. Classes start in less than a week!! I'm not even in school-mode yet haha. Man, I hope that I'm ready for it.