It has been a very long time LJ. Very Long. And life is not good.
MYKILL43: im sorry im not avoiding u its been a hecktic long day, to much maddness happening
NothingBetter43: is everything ok
MYKILL43: i fractured my thumb, serves me right
NothingBetter43: ouch
NothingBetter43: what did you do
MYKILL43: hhhhhahahahha
MYKILL43: slammed it in a door then i trpping and fell on it
NothingBetter43: hahahhahahahah
NothingBetter43: hah
NothingBetter43: hahaha
MYKILL43: ahahahaa
MYKILL43: hahhaha
MYKILL43: haahahah
MYKILL43: haahaha
MYKILL43: haahahaha
MYKILL43: ahahahaha
MYKILL43: ahahaha
MYKILL43: ahahahah
MYKILL43: hahahahah
NothingBetter43: ha
MYKILL43: ahahaah
NothingBetter43: haha
MYKILL43: hahahaha
MYKILL43: hahaah
MYKILL43: hhahahahh
MYKILL43: ha
NothingBetter43: thats the bad in you coming out
MYKILL43: its hard to eat my chicken
MYKILL43: im lefty and i cant hold the drum stick that well with the right
MYKILL43: it falls
NothingBetter43: thats what we say about pain inmy family
MYKILL43: "thats the bad in you coming out"
NothingBetter43: ya
NothingBetter43: haha
MYKILL43: well in that case i hope i brake my legs cause i never want to do anything bad ever again
NothingBetter43: ...
NothingBetter43: did you goto the doctor
NothingBetter43: did he giveyou a little thumb cast
MYKILL43: ofcourse it has a stupid slint thingy
NothingBetter43: heh
NothingBetter43: how long do you have to wear it
NothingBetter43: thats funny
MYKILL43: they say its not bad, but i think it is so they said when i feel like it should come off then go for it
NothingBetter43: knowing you,you may have that for years
MYKILL43: ahahaahhhaahhahaha
MYKILL43: how was your day
NothingBetter43: hectic
NothingBetter43: I worked so hard
MYKILL43: thats the word of the day
MYKILL43: hectic
NothingBetter43: yea
NothingBetter43: haha
NothingBetter43: I was swamped with work
MYKILL43: this chicken is making me mad
NothingBetter43: Katy has me doing everything reservations plus all the extra work she has been putting off b/c it's boring and time consuming
NothingBetter43: I'm dying for meat
MYKILL43: this is at the old place still
MYKILL43: meat?
NothingBetter43: yea, I start on mon at the royal palm
NothingBetter43: yea,meat
MYKILL43: like food?
MYKILL43: or
NothingBetter43: since my dad's "thing" he's been on a diet
MYKILL43: oooooooooooo
NothingBetter43: which means we're all on a diet
MYKILL43: ahahahahahahahaha
NothingBetter43: today we had eggplant and penne with brocoli
NothingBetter43: I havent had red meat in a month
MYKILL43: jesus
NothingBetter43: I'm getting really really skinny
MYKILL43: u need some ribs
NothingBetter43: I need a big greasy bloody hamberger
NothingBetter43: with cheese
NothingBetter43: and sweetpotato fries
MYKILL43: o my
NothingBetter43: and hot wings
NothingBetter43: with a side of ribs
MYKILL43: i need some cake with a sleeping pill
NothingBetter43: and some carne asada
MYKILL43: im so tired
MYKILL43: ive been up for days it seems
MYKILL43: i need some cookies
NothingBetter43: I didnt sleep at all last night
NothingBetter43: I was about to when you called
NothingBetter43: but then I couldnt after
MYKILL43: u must have been out all night
NothingBetter43: so I stayed up
NothingBetter43: no,I just havent been sleeping
MYKILL43: ok i give up on tyhe chicken its not happening
NothingBetter43: all these things run through my head
NothingBetter43: awww
NothingBetter43: I'll take it
MYKILL43: i feel like im in pre school, like some toddler trying to eat
NothingBetter43: use the other hand
NothingBetter43: like a barbarian
MYKILL43: its hard
MYKILL43: aanahahahaha
MYKILL43: like a moose
NothingBetter43: mooses don
NothingBetter43: t eat chicken
MYKILL43: yes they doo
NothingBetter43: nope
MYKILL43: desert chicken
NothingBetter43: they eat chocolate
MYKILL43: and coconuts
NothingBetter43: mooses like moose
NothingBetter43: mouse
MYKILL43: mice
NothingBetter43: rat
NothingBetter43: eww
MYKILL43: yikes
NothingBetter43: stripes
MYKILL43: snipes
NothingBetter43: did you used to like that gum
MYKILL43: zebras
MYKILL43: ya it sucked
NothingBetter43: haha
NothingBetter43: yea
MYKILL43: the flavor left in a sec
NothingBetter43: but I loved it
NothingBetter43: b/c it was pretty
MYKILL43: because your a little girl
NothingBetter43: thats why big men do mean things to me
MYKILL43: they will die one day
NothingBetter43: everthing has it's time
MYKILL43: it sure does, time heals all wounds
MYKILL43: this dinner is finished i cant take it
NothingBetter43: but scars dont go away
MYKILL43: thats the truth they sure dont, but if you try hard u can forget then they tend to hide a little
NothingBetter43: do you think that girl was prettier than me
MYKILL43: no
MYKILL43: not at all
NothingBetter43: where did it happen
MYKILL43: i dont want to go to sleep talking about this, i rather do it in person
NothingBetter43: but I go to sleep everynight thinking about it
NothingBetter43: whatever you want
MYKILL43: just know this, its not what you think it was with her
MYKILL43: youll understand when we talk about it
NothingBetter43: I mean I know you were always looking
NothingBetter43: I guess I didnt want to think it was true
NothingBetter43: there has been alot of times I thought you were cheating
NothingBetter43: but I guess I never wanted to admit to myself that I was thinking that
MYKILL43: in person is better to speak about this
NothingBetter43: of course
MYKILL43: when talking online sometimes i dont understand
NothingBetter43: I remember that
NothingBetter43: when talking in person sometimes I don't say everything i want
NothingBetter43: I think better when I write
NothingBetter43: thats why I text fight so much I think
MYKILL43: ahhahahahahahaa
MYKILL43: ahahahahhahah
MYKILL43: ahahahahahh
NothingBetter43: b/c when we talk nothing comes out
MYKILL43: ahahahahhaha
MYKILL43: text fight
MYKILL43: your so funny
MYKILL43: "o ya well i will text fight you"
NothingBetter43: hehe
NothingBetter43: stop laughing at me
MYKILL43: "put u[ your text"\
NothingBetter43: text you
MYKILL43: eat text
NothingBetter43: I'm gonna text the shit out of you
MYKILL43: ahahahhaahahhahah
MYKILL43: i wanna text you so bad
MYKILL43: haahahaah
NothingBetter43: you should eat text mix for breakfast
MYKILL43: hey that was good
MYKILL43: i made that up
NothingBetter43: who did
NothingBetter43: ME
MYKILL43: ow
NothingBetter43: textmex
MYKILL43: skillet
NothingBetter43: sensations
NothingBetter43: yumm
MYKILL43: o my
NothingBetter43: I cant believe I used to eat that
NothingBetter43: scary
MYKILL43: ok i gotta hit the showers and get ready for bed brb
NothingBetter43: scrub a dub
MYKILL43: rabit in the tub
NothingBetter43: text-t-ersize a little before bed
NothingBetter43: that was dumb
NothingBetter43: hahahaha
MYKILL43: ya not for nothing but i didnt know where you where going with that one
MYKILL43: hahahahaha
NothingBetter43: hahaha
MYKILL43: your so cool
MYKILL43: brb
MYKILL43: my thumb looks like humpty dumppty
NothingBetter43: well he did have a grest fall
NothingBetter43: or you did
NothingBetter43: right on top ofit
MYKILL43: ahahahhahahah
NothingBetter43: and broke it
MYKILL43: u got jokes i see
NothingBetter43: I'm swift with my funnies
MYKILL43: ahhahahaha
MYKILL43: cookie monster
NothingBetter43: mmmmmm COOKIE
NothingBetter43: I could eat a million cookies right now
NothingBetter43: anything that is bad for you to eat
NothingBetter43: I WANT
MYKILL43: twinkies
NothingBetter43: yep
MYKILL43: yodels
NothingBetter43: yep
MYKILL43: rabbit skin
NothingBetter43: is it crispy
MYKILL43: yep
NothingBetter43: yep
MYKILL43: ajahahahahahahah
MYKILL43: brb
MYKILL43: stiill awake
NothingBetter43: yea
NothingBetter43: I was looking at this e-mailmy mom sent me
NothingBetter43: its so awesome
MYKILL43: whats so awsome is it like a chbain letter or something
NothingBetter43: no
NothingBetter43: haah
NothingBetter43: its sidewalk chalk
MYKILL43: wtf
NothingBetter43: I'll send you some in a sec
MYKILL43: ok that would be funn
NothingBetter43 wants to directly connect.
MYKILL43 has not responded; no connection was made. Make sure that your Buddy is using the latest version of AIM. Changing your settings in the firewall preference may help. Also, both you and your Buddy may need to adjust the settings of the firewall software on your individual networks.
MYKILL43 wants to directly connect.
MYKILL43 is now directly connected.
MYKILL43: o ya i saw that
MYKILL43: its amazing
NothingBetter43: I think that the coke one is my fav
NothingBetter43: then I like the one of him digging
MYKILL43: its so insane looking how the hell is that posibble
NothingBetter43: I dont know
NothingBetter43: but I would like to go see in person one day
MYKILL43: i wish i could see it where is it
NothingBetter43: the guys name is julian beever
MYKILL43: and my name is skunky monkey
NothingBetter43: goose mongoose
MYKILL43: i love that name forever
MYKILL43: whats the deal with all these planes and bombs
MYKILL43: its been happening for years already, why do the decide to make it the main news feature
NothingBetter43: b/c it was going to be a massive attack
NothingBetter43: it hasnt been happening here for years
NothingBetter43: and not in this big of a scope
MYKILL43: ofcourse its been happening since regan was president
MYKILL43: son
NothingBetter43: internal attacks like the oklahoma thing
NothingBetter43: but the onlykilled a small number of people in comparison
MYKILL43: listen pal its been happening 4 years
NothingBetter43: ok
MYKILL43: o my goodness
NothingBetter43: haha
MYKILL43: ive been thinking about moving to the keys and working from there...........
NothingBetter43: ok
MYKILL43: that man is black
NothingBetter43: ahaha
NothingBetter43: its mean
NothingBetter43: but I thought you would like it
NothingBetter43: when are you going to move
MYKILL43: its just a thought
MYKILL43: i also want to learn how to bake a cake before my death
NothingBetter43: I was thinking of moving too
MYKILL43: to where
NothingBetter43: I dont know
NothingBetter43: but out of florida
NothingBetter43: no where country
NothingBetter43: and not too cold
NothingBetter43: well maybe
MYKILL43: do u rememeber him
NothingBetter43: yea
MYKILL43: i wish i was a firefighter
MYKILL43: i think im gonna set a house on fire then try to put out the flames
NothingBetter43: hahaha
NothingBetter43: smart
NothingBetter43: are you just browsing wikipedia
MYKILL43: no silly
MYKILL43 direct connection is closed.
MYKILL43: what r u doing
MYKILL43: eating wood
NothingBetter43: I found this weird thing on my comp I can see all these pics of all these web pages that people have looked at on mycomp
NothingBetter43: its crazy
MYKILL43: everyone has that option
NothingBetter43: I didntknow'
MYKILL43: ahahhhaahhahaahha
NothingBetter43: weird
NothingBetter43: Ijust saw some crazy stuff on here
MYKILL43: link me
NothingBetter43: huh
MYKILL43: link me
NothingBetter43: ???
MYKILL43: sennd me the website your on
NothingBetter43: its not a web site
NothingBetter43: it's on myharddrive
MYKILL43: what is it
NothingBetter43: I dont know I was looking at some funny pics my mom sent and I clicked this little button by mistake and suddently I was looking at a different pic
MYKILL43: what pic
NothingBetter43: like people
NothingBetter43: and pictures from websites
NothingBetter43: and little buttons from other web sites
MYKILL43: good enjoy
MYKILL43: depressing
NothingBetter43: where do you come up with these web sites
NothingBetter43: are you looking up stars that died
MYKILL43: i go to googel and what ever im thinking about i type it in
NothingBetter43: what were you thinking
MYKILL43: suicide
NothingBetter43: oh
MYKILL43: I saw that
NothingBetter43: sick
NothingBetter43: didnt we watch this show together
NothingBetter43: was that you
MYKILL43: yes
MYKILL43 is away at 11:27:28 PM.
NothingBetter43: where did you go
Auto response from MYKILL43: everyone dies sometime