Taken from
pdaughter In Google, type your name followed by the word indicated in quotations. away we go...
1. Type in "[your name] needs"
The Imp needs a mom...
2. Type in "[your name] looks like"
The Imp looks like she's pouting...
3. Type in "[your name] does"
The Imp does badass hair...
4. Type in "[your name] hates"
The Imp hates feet...
5. Type in "[your name] goes to"
The Imp goes to jail!
6. Type in "[your name] loves"
The Imp lovers her Cobra 2...
7. Type in "[your name] eats"
The Imp eats a jalapeno..
8. Type in "[your name] has"
The Imp has a Kellenx adventure...
9. Type in "[your name] died"
The Imp died four days after our interview...
10. Type in "[your name] will"
The Imp will be going to ninth grade...