A generally excellent weekend spent mostly among friends and family, which made me extremely happy.
On Saturday we belatedly celebrated my brother's birthday with
Dim Sum, at his request. It was most yummy. Afterwards the four of us wandered through Chinatown, and my brother went on the hunt for lotus root for a culinary adventure he had planned for later in the week. Then we went back to my place, where Mum and I managed to finalise our bookings for the wedding, and we all chatted some more before my brother's fiancé had to head off to work.
As if that wasn't enough happiness for one day, I then headed off to meet
gmarc for an evening of belly dancing skeletons, zombie beauty queens, voluptuous beauties and pudding wrestling: A most wonderful evening of entertainment and conversation.
And as if that wasn't enough happiness... Sunday I invited myself to lunch at the country castle of
baronscartop and
ai731 . I got the tour of their new home and land, and was treated to a yummy soup, salad and local pork. We discussed country life, city jobs, dogs, music ,and religion. Ahhhhhhh.
And today... yes, more excitement! I'm having lunch with a friend who is in town from PEI. This may actually be a record for this generally introverted Imp.