this article says that because people don't change their behaviour, even if told 'change or die', that we (everyone) are stuck in varied crisis. healthcare is the example they use.
I like the thinking because instead of focusing on all the present or future inventions/procedures they reverse engineered & said ah-ha! it's the people fucking themselves up despite whatever we invent/cure/etc. I think reverse engineering is probably the most brilliant line of correction/solving.
& in my own thinking I've come to one conclusion. if you reverse engineer enough all problems seem to point to god. now going waaaay back christians are outta the picture so it's just the jewish & islamic & a guy name Abe that didn't do his estate planning so well & thus family feud (well, fucking the slave girl i'm sure didn't help.)
now, that said, i think the 'god idea' did help us to some degree but god isn't so much the problem but a pacifier - a bad habit of sucking the human thumb to comfort us (3rd eye timmy leary intro, anyone? lol) because of course death isn't going to deter anyone!; not when most think they're going to live eternal.*
so 4 things:
1) thoughts on reverse engineering type thought? what other ways do you use?
2) is it god or something else?
3) what do you think would make us 'less' silly humans?
& no, i don't think blowing off god will make anyone be healthier, just less silly.