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Nov 09, 2009 15:30

Questions from Akira to us both!

Akira's questions for Daphne:

1) How do you put up with a pig like my baby brother?
Daphne: Umm...love, and mostly because the dirty side that he has to him that appeals to my own. And we will leave it at that.
2) Admit it, admit it! Gin is inadequate in bed, isn't he?
Daphne: Even if it were true, I wouldn't admit it to you. Gin is perfect for me that way. Ask Stacy, she can hear.
3) What's your favourite thing to drink?
Daphne: Um... water? It doesn't hurt you any. But a wine that Gin picked out never goes too far amiss.
4) What is your ideal date?
Daphne: ... You ask very interesting questions of a girl for a boyfriend's brother. Umm... Anything really, so long as it shows me how much he cares about me, and provides me with an opportunity to show him back. Which doesn't always nor exclusively mean sex, which I figure you're pretty much thinking by that!
5) When Gin finally asks you to marry him, what kind of marriage do you want?
Daphne: ... Heh... If he ever asks me to marry him, I'll figure it out as we go. What we have now is still very good.

Akira's questions for Stacy:

1) Did you always have a beautiful body, or do you have to work at it?
Stacy: Eet comes out of working een ze early hours on a farm. I am totally getting fat, zhough! Shush!
2) What is your favourite continent?
Stacy: My favorite continent? Mmm... I like Antarctica- all ze leetle penguins et not zo leetle polar bears! Zomeday I will go! Want to come?
3) What do you wear when nobody else is around?
Stacy: Hehehe. Planning on stopping by? Hee. Whatever ees comfortable. You can eenterpret zat.
4) Are you coming to the next underwear party?
Stacy: I am eef I am to be eenvited, oui!
5) Is it okay if I put you on my 'to do' list? Hehe...
Stacy: Aww... Akira... You're very flattering. Per'aps eet ees best eef you put me on your "USPS" list. Somezing that you're waiting for, but will een all likeli'ood never come to you. Zorry. Admire from afar! I belong to zomebody.
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