Apr 17, 2005 22:49
we this weekend has bin fantastic!!!! It was igors 21st so his best mate bought him a yard glass. I hav photo graphic evidence of him downin 4 pints of newzeland beer. I am not drinkin intil my birthday cos i made a bet with igor sayin i wont drink any alcohol until my birthday. we bet £10!!! i went 2 th pub on fri with sum friends i didnt drink. as we came out the whole street was borded up by police cars n ambulence. at first we thought hmm its a pub rade, n then we saw sum guy with a bandage round his head n his shirt was coverd in blood. we though OMG a stabbin but no we asked th bouncer wat happend n the go "oh th guy got beaten th shit out of n then got shot!!!" n the guys who did got away!!!! how scary is that? ok today i went to the fun fair with anna we had fun apart from annas skirt kept goin up. it was sooooooooo funny.
well love ya