DCBB2016 Art Masterpost

Oct 17, 2016 22:32

Another year another DCBB art masterpost! This year I also continued tradition to draw art for bellacatbee which is always a joy! I think my art and her writing style and choice of stories go well together :D

Read "Who is the Lamb and who is the Knife" on AO3

Summary: "In an attempt to ensure the peace between their Kingdoms holds, the respective kings of the Demon and Angel Kingdoms wed one of each other's royal household.
Prince Castiel, youngest brother of the Angel's King, is chosen for the Demon's groom. Terrified but proud, he accepts the marriage to save his people from further suffering.
Then he meets his future husband."

As always I encourage you to read the fic before checking out the art, but this time I don't really have spoilers for the story in the art! But enough talking, on with the pics!


For the cover I knew I wanted something eye-catching so I set about drawing something that looked pretty. And I'm always in the mood for pretty Cas. So here's the version without any text!

Scene Illustrations

Cas and Dean meet in ot completely ideal circumstances. Drawing Dean's clothes was probably the most challenging and most entertaining bit of this pic! Actually the original picture showed their full bodies but the cropped version looks better!

Expectations or reality? You'll know if you read the fic! ;D


Adam wearing pretty much nothing, quick, someone cover him! (But he doesn't look unhappy.)

I'll be adding some more sketches if I find the time to draw more! Unfortunately my DCBB fic had to be uploaded less than a week ago and I spent the weekend away, so I didn't have as much time to draw for this DCBB as I had hoped. ;w;

But I hope you enjoyed the art and that you'll enjoy the fic too! ♥

dcbb 2016, genre: au, supernatural, dean/cas, deancas, fanart

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