DCBB 2014 - For So Bare Is My Heart - Masterpost

Oct 15, 2014 19:16

Title: For So Bare Is My Heart
Author: silly-blue
Artist: burdenedbones
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural Fantasy AU
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 85k
Warnings: war-time violence, political marriage, mild non-consensual intimacy (touching, kissing), fictional racism (humans vs supernatural creatures), feminization (occasional use of female connoted terms such as “queen” or “wife”), non-penetrative sex, fingering, sex toys, strongly implied bottom!Cas, strongly implied top!Dean, references to the possibility of Mpreg.

Summary: In his attempt to wage a war of revenge against the demons, the young human king Dean attacks the angels, seizing their lands to build a settlement closer to the sulfurous lands. He doesn’t care about the angelic culture that his actions threaten, but when he is given a gift in the form of the vanquished king’s protégé, his understanding of angels has to be challenged.
After the short but devastating war, Castiel finds himself in the captivity of the man that is responsible for his suffering. Faced with the contradictory nature of his young husband, Castiel has to learn the way of humans in order to not only become someone that does - for the first time in his life - hold power and agency, but also find a way to return to the home from which he has been exiled as a sacrifice for peace.

Fic link:Fic Masterlist
Art link: Art Masterlist

bare, supernatural, dean/cas, nc-17, dcbb 2014, fanfiction

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