Sep 01, 2005 17:03
<33* work.. poop
<33* so i saw this picture yesterday in someones journal... and i just about puked all over the computer... =( i wanted to cry, and throw the computer out the effing window...
<33* and then kick it all the way down the street...
<33* and then come back, get my car, and RUN THE COMPUTER OVER!!!
<33* ten times...
<33* music is a great escape.. ::siiiighs::
<33* there was a really big spider on the porch earlier, i was sitting there, smoking a cigarette, and then i saw it.. and i JUMPED off the porch...
<33* and there are a LOT of sirens mane... somethins goin down in the suburbs.. lol
<33* man.. we didnt get hit by that storm at freakin all.. there was a little bit of rain yesterday and thats it...
<33* to be honest with you, i was looking forward to some good storms :)
<33* now its all beautiful and sunny and warm!
<33* maybe im just depressed... and thats why im taking everything so negatively...
<33* i need a counselor or something...
<33* love... i know the dictionary definition... but what is it really besides fucking worthless and painful??
<33* poop.
<33* please forgive me while i stain your shirt with mascara and tears.
oh im done with this.
peace out duuuuuuuude =)