I'm a hot mess...

Nov 15, 2009 17:44

I know it's been a while since I did much real posting, either in my LJ or on any communities. Several of you have PMed asking what's going on and where have I been. I have some 'spainin' to do, Ricky.

Part of it is that my Internet access has been messed up and I've had to use my computer sitting on my dining room floor.

Part of it is that I am really, really busy.

Part of it has been... well, more on that later.

I think my wireless is fixed. I hope. First I had some problem with Internet access in general. For a few days I wasn't able to connect at all and intermittently I've had access issues. In addition, my wireless router died, so I had to get new one. But it wasn't just the wireless, sicne about fifty per cent of the time I haven't been able to get online without some work nd resetting, rebooting, resomething. But right now, for the first time since early September, I am writing from my couch connected to the Internet by my wireless. Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?

I've had three opera weekends, which leave me exhausted. Both of my opera buddies are disabled and I end up doing a lot of helping and supporting them, which is no easy task, since they are both over four-hundred pounds. Oddly, the ninety-something is easier to get around with than the one who is my age. I have another opera next weekend, so send me energetic thoughts/prayers/whatever.

In addition to the operas, I've been to several concerts. Loved KOL. Loved Jessica Lea Mayfield. Too exhausted to remember the other concert.

Discovered the chiropractor. My goodness, I wish I'd discovered him years ago. It's like a massage on steroids. It's helping me a little with my sleep.

I've also been struggling with my depression. Part of it is the seasonal change and the lack of sunlight. But part of it is just the depression.

Thank you, those of you who PMed. Sometimes I need a kick in the ass to at least keep me functional.

Right now I'm dog-sitting for my sister's dog and my brother-in-law's dogs. (She has one, and he has two.)

Also, next week at the opera we will be joined by an additional patron. He's actually an opera singer, but he doesn't have a role in this particular opera, so he's just going to watch it with us. One of my opera friends is a buddy of his and she thinks we might match up well. I've met him before, but only briefly. Seems we have similar tastes and intellectual bents. He's a fabulous performer. He's almost thirty, so not totally in the cradle like the last one. And he's kind of a hottie. I'm looking forward to it, since it's sort of like a blind-date without the pressure, since there will be other people there.

And I'll be getting my new dog soon. His name will be Spike, in keeping with my vampire theme. Yup, a fluffy little Westie named Spike. Like this:

Only I won't be worrying about weighing him. That was just a good Westie pic that was handy.

I've missed some dramas and traumas without commenting, but I still love you all.
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