i plead the fifth?

Sep 27, 2004 16:01

i'm ready to move on. you're the fork in my road and I HATE IT. after all the mean things i HAVENT said to you, i'm still going to be the mature one here. thanks for making me realize who you are. for really showing me who you are. it has saved me alot of love i can give someone else. you are not a friend. save yourself the trouble and dont talk to me, call me, say hi to me, even look at me. it just hurts.

the dust is settling and i can see who is really there. i love you guys. sorry.

Oh chelsy my love. my lil squirt who helped me rebel (remember the days of american eagle rampaging) and to think it all started with shaylee's birthday present. mexico, camping, six flags... i cant wait for more. i'm so glad we're friends again and i hope we dont go through that again. just know that no matter what i'll be your friend and i hope you'll do the same for me. good luck with everything chels i love you to death. <333

Meghan meghan meghan. Knowing you for like 5 years can really give me room to blackmail you huh? remember justin cordamanche? hahahah, dont worry you're secret is save with me. kicking the lizard was the best of times, and i hope we stay friends. you are so caring but just dont let people walk all over you. you know who i mean too. you are such a wonderful person i dont know what i'd do without you my little justin timberlake lover. :]

You have the biggest heart out of anyone i know, seriously. i'm so lucky to have you i hope you realize what a great person you are. thanks for helping me through these times lately, i know it must suck to have to listen to me whine! anything we do is fun no matter what we're doing and i'm looking forward to next summer! and dont worry i havent forgotten about september 8th, 2007. <333

Oh gosh guys, you are so much fun! I love having girl talk its so nice. and savannah- i think you cause me to be bad or something haha. at least with drinking that is. i hope we get closer because you girls are so nice and my mom LOVES YOU. she'll let me do anythign with you guys (thats a good thing haha). :D


now after i've spilled my guts via livejournal, i think i'm going to do something meaningful with my life. like... talk on the phone or something.♥
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