Jul 10, 2005 14:24
After starting off suck today is going pretty well. My car wouldn't start this morning so I had to bring my mom's car to work. Well if anyone looked out side they would realize it is gorgous. So I was joking around with my boss and I was like hey.. so can I go home and come back to close... and he said yess I was like HAHA score. So I left around 12:30 and I'm due back at 3 which means I have to get going soon. But when I got home my mom was like Jamie come here and she brought me outside to talk with my dad all I could think of is what did I do. And she goes me and your dad were talking as well as Ryan and we decided that you can go to Australia if you take Summer coarses next year and winter coarses to make up for it. I was like hell yeah I would. So I got to take a 2 1/2 hr brake and I'm going to Australia. I'm SOOOOO excited. After work I'm going to church and then hanging out with Kristin to watch Phantom of the Opera. But even though it started off bad this is pretty good lol. Alright I'm gonna go. Laterz
me :oD