May 27, 2004 22:00
well, to start, things were seeming to get simpler. the relationship chaos with the two guys from work has come to a close. we're just better off friends. things were cool on the relationship front, especially with the Matthew situation looking good. end then last night happened. i ran into a friend while out last night and decided to hang around and chat, rather than leaving, trying not to impose on her group of friends. well, i'm glad i stayed. i had a blast and met a bunch of really awesome people. one person in particular. we hit it off great and sat around talking for quite some time. the chemistry was definitely there, and it was good. key points learned last night: he's 33 (still less than 10 years older than me, so OK); has a house and an awesome car (read: financially stable and established); loves dogs, and has one; former marine; he's lived all over the world; and seems to be a really awesome person. he asked for my number before leaving, and guess what... he called me tonight. we talked for a little bit, but i had to pack for the weekend. he did share some very interesting information though... he's married, though separated - the divorce will be final tuesday. oh yeah, and he's got two kids. not bad stuff, just nothing i've ever dealt with before. it should be interesting. he asked me to call him when i get back from ohio this weekend. i have no idea where this is headed, but he's cool, so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. how do i get myself into these things? at least i can count on never having a boring day.
must go to sleep now.... can't function.