
Jul 23, 2005 03:04

Oooh, I'm a bit spammy tonight...

Title: Sleep Deprived
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Nope
Summary: I used one of my drawings as inspiration, and this is what came out. Thanks to Fieldmouse over at the Talk CSI forum for the quick beta. *snugs*

He doesn’t know how he ever managed it before. But all he knows now is that when Greg isn’t there, ready to be snuggled up to, he can’t sleep.
And he has tried everything. From reading boring books, watching TV programs he doesn’t like till his eyes burn, to drinking warm milk and counting sheep. All to no avail.

So when he heard Greg would be coming home a day early from the conference, he was elated. Now he’s puttering around the apartment, straightening a stack of books for the third time (or was it the fourth?).

He looks around and feels a blush creep up his cheeks, realizing how clean the apartment really is. Cause that’s what he does when he can’t sleep; clean. And Greg’s been away for four days, so the apartment is almost sterile by now.

He’s jerked out of his thoughts as he hears a key in the lock, and seconds later Greg steps in, overnight bag slung over one slightly slumped shoulder, a suitcase in his other hand, face shadowed as he closes the door.

Nick’s standing in the middle of the room, anxiously awaiting the moment he can see Greg’s face. Greg places the suitcase on the floor and lets the bag slide from his shoulder, placing it next to the suitcase, then turns to face Nick. His mouth’s open, seconds away from speaking when he closes it again and blinks, taking in the spotless apartment.

Then his eyes clear and a soft smile appears on his face.

“You too, huh?”

At first, Nick doesn’t understand, but then he looks again, and takes in Greg’s tired look, and the dark smudges under his eyes, and he knows. He smiles also, and it’s like Greg has been waiting for that, ‘cause suddenly he’s moving, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom without a word.

The second they enter the bedroom Greg starts to undress him, and he wants to kiss him, take him into his arms and taste him, smell him, but Greg steps away and starts to undress also. Nick feels the pout forming on his lips but he’s powerless to stop it.

When Greg catches it, he laughs and god, he missed that laugh. He knows it’s only been four days, but it where the longest four days of his life. He shakes his head as he realises he’s lapsed into thought again, and Greg’s right in front of him.

He leans in to kiss and Greg allows it this time. He pulls away way too quickly though, but before he can complain, Greg interrupts him.

“Later. Sleep first.”

Nick lets himself be pulled into bed. When he lies down, wrapping his arms around Greg to pull him close, that’s when he realises how tired he really is. He nuzzles his nose into Greg’s hair, breathing in his smell, letting it comfort and sooth him. Letting the warmth radiating off of Greg’s body warm his heart.

“I love you,” is murmured.

The only reply he gets is a soft ‘Hmm’ and he knows Greg’s already well on his way to sleep. He lets his eyes slide shut, and he’s already falling, but now Greg’s there to catch him and he lets go.

The drawing it is based on is this one: Hold me

nick/greg fanfic

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