
Jul 15, 2005 20:38

Pfew. I just got back from work. Luckily, it was quiet today, only 29 beds, and no delivery rooms. My god, there've been so many baby's born this last month! They even had three twins in 24 hours last week, all born the natural way.

Anyway... I kinda re-organized my room last weekend. I don't have much closet-space, and my bookcase is stuffed. So I had to put some other things in boxes, so I could stall some of my books elsewhere. It looks nice and organized now, but I'll have to re-paint one of my walls. I had posters hanging there, and when I pulled them off, half the wall came with them. O.o;

Lot's of animal action lately, by the way. I was standing in the bathroom the other day, and the windows where open. I heard a really strange noise coming from outside. I couldn't really determine where it was coming from, so I went outside to 'investigate'.
There's this little alley behind our garden that connects the neighbors back garden with the rest of the alleyway. But no-one hardly goes there, so a lot of weeds and plants are growing there. It seemed like the sound was coming from there, and when I glanced into the alley, I saw a lot of leaves moving wildly. But I still couldn't see what it was, so I went inside to fetch my flashlight.
So I come back to the alley, shine a light on the moving leaves... and discover a hedgehog. Well, at least I thought it was just one, until I saw there was another one. Under the first one. They where having a little... fun. :'3

And last night... we had a frog in the middle of the street. My sister had heard it, when a cat was trying to catch it. Did you know a frog can make this really high sound, like air escaping out of a balloon? It was really weird to hear that. O.o

And hee... Someone in our neighborhood is watching porn at 11.30 in the morning. :'3 I was in the backyard with my mom, when we suddenly heard this really weird sound (at first I thought that it where the hedgehogs again). And then we heard a male voice say: 'Oh yeah, suck it baby...' XD My mom and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and where like, Okaaaayy.. I mean, nothing wrong with porn, but uh, heh... Maybe being a little more careful might be an idea. :'3

work, animals, room

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