(no subject)

Dec 30, 2019 00:35

Hey! I hope everyone had a great Christmas/ Hannuka/ Winter Solstice/ whatever it is you're celebrating. Mine was nice and relaxing. Work has been very busy and stressfull, and I'm really enjoying the days off. I'm really trying to find a way to get back into LJ, because I miss you guys. So here's a mini update of sorts.

First, I want to thank casey28, raloria and maichan for the Christmas cards. <3<3 I hope all the cards I've sent have made it to their destinations. :)

Secondly.... Spn. As much as I still love Sam and Dean, I think I've fallen out of love with the show? I haven't seen anything of season 15 yet. The last few episodes of Season 14 made me so angry that I haven't been able to get myself to watch yet, and honestly? None of the spoilers I've seen have made me excited or made me want to watch. The only thing I kind of like is Dean being angry with Castiel, but I know even that won't last, so meh. I probably will watch eventually, but right now I can't watch how horrible the show has become. I'm honestly just happy this is the last season and Jared and Jensen are putting it out of its misery, because Dabb and the current writers have murdered my happy place and I'm just :(

...of course, this is just my opinion and more power to you if you still love it. But I just really hate what my great little show has turned into.

And to not end on a completely negative note... have some pictures of my cats:

First Boris being a handsome boi:

And here's Noah being pretty and looooong:


supernatural, photo's, pictures, holiday cards, about me, animals, pets, fandom, christmas

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