Art Title: Down by the Seaside Prompt Number: R1009 Artist: sillie82
Fic Title: Down by the Seaside Author: whiskygalore Fandom/Genre: RPS Pairing(s): Jared/Jensen Rating: R Word Count: 7181 Warnings: -
Summary: Jared’s taking his boyfriend for a picnic down by the seaside. What could possibly go wrong? Funny you should ask...
Notes: Welcome to my first spn_reversebang artpost of this year. :D I want to thank whiskygalore for claiming my art prompt and writing a great story for it. I had a great time working with you, and I hope you had fun as well! :D Work kept me from creating much more extra art, but I hope ya'll will enjoy what I did manage to create. :)
Small warning: The art contains spoilers for the story.