Thank you

Feb 12, 2019 01:02

I've been wanting to make this post for days, but I still haven't found that nice balance between RL and keeping up with you guys over here. :/ I've also fallen behind with watching SPN. I'm now 4 eps behind. I want to try and catch up this week and not fall behind even further, but I'm not sure I can find the energy. Anyway...

I had a birthday about 3 weeks ago, and I wanted to thank everyone who left me a message of some sort. A big thanks is going towards beelikej who sent me a box filled with awesome presents. <3

I also want to thank milly_gal, hugemind, meus_venator, kalliel, stir_of_echoes, zara_zee and gigis89 for their lovely LJ messages, and jdl71, supernutjapan, bflyw, casey28 and raloria for their LJ posts. <3

I also got some sweet messages on Twitter and Facebook. (Although I do love getting all these messages, I do long back to the time that actual birthdaycards were still a thing. I only got three this year, of which one was from work, and one I got from my youngest sister when she came to visit.)

The day itself was nice and relaxed. My youngest sister came to visist and we watched some Due South episodes. My other sister, her husband and my mom and dad visited the day before (which was a sunday). I'd baked an appelpie, and made some tomatosoup. It was also nice and relaxed. :)

Anyway, time to hit the hay. Love you all. <3


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