Supernatural 14.05

Nov 11, 2018 13:14

Just finished watching...

Supernatural 14.05: Nightmare Logic

This was quite an enjoyable episode. Not as good as last week, but still much better then the first 3 eps. I love seeing how well Sam has been doing as a leader. All the systems he has in place to guide and protect the hunters now under his 'command'. And even though Dean's kind of joking about it, I think he's impressed and proud too? But also worried, because it looks like Sam is taking care of all the hunters but forgetting to take care of himself.

I'm also glad Dean is still pretty open about how he's feeling regarding to Michael. I just really hope show isn't going down the 'anger' road. I've seen enough angry Dean, can we get something else please? And thank you.

So yeah, show. Keep giving me eps focussing on Sam and Dean. This is not an ensamble show, so stop trying to make it one. It just doesn't work. These last 5 eps clearly show it. When you focus on Sam and Dean, is when you're at your best. <3

Please no spoilers for coming eps in the comments, thanks!

episode reaction, supernatural

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